About me
Pham Ba Thang
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Hi, I am Pham Ba Thang.
I study Computer Science at NUS.
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I'm interested in creating applications that are aesthetically
pleasing and solve real problems.
I have experience in both
frontend and backend development and I really enjoy playing with new
Have a nice day!_

National University of Singapore
Singapore- Computer Science
- Specialization in Software Engineering and Database Systems
Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted
Hanoi, Vietnam- Physics
Fullstack Developer Intern
Bank of New York Mellon- Delivered an application enabling streamlined content creation for presentations and pitching using Angular, FastAPI, MongoDB, and Amazon S3.
- Proposed solutions to system design problems given company infrastructure and regulations.
Software Engineer Intern
Integro Technologies- Maintained and resolved technical issues for existing Java enterprise banking application.
- Containerized and deployed application and its microservices into an OpenShift cluster and updated the manifest files and documentation.
Frontend Developer (part-time)
NUS Tropical Marine Science Institute- Implemented responsive and accessible components for authentication, onboarding, and contact form of project application with React, MaterialUI, JWT, GitLab CI/CD, and Docker
Frontend Developer (part-time)
Yale-NUS ASEAN Historical Maps Project- Translated UI/UX wireframes into responsive components and integrated them into existing Ruby on Rails web application with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ruby
Teaching Assistant
National University of Singapore- Conducted weekly tutorial sessions for introductory programming modules CS1101S and CS1010E.
- Graded student assignments and gave timely feedback.
- Received an overall score of 4.4 out of 5 in teaching feedback report
Fullstack Developer
NUS Google Student Developer Club- Engaged in a collaborative external project with Caregivers Alliance Limited, a non-profit organization, aimed at developing an application to streamline processes of donation campaign management and data analysis
Student Cluster Leader
NUS Prince George’s Park Residences- Oversaw residents’ wellbeing and acted as first point of contact for problem resolution.
- Organized level and block events to foster relationships and establish a strong sense of community among residents
What I've been listening to
Programming Languages
- Javascript
- Python, Java
- C++, Go
Frontend Development
- React, Next.js, Astro, Angular
- SCSS, JQuery, TailwindCSS
Backend Development
- Node.js, Express.js, FastAPI
- PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis
- Firebase, Supabase
- Git, Github, GitLab
- CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS
- Numpy, Pytorch, MapReduce, Spark
- OpenMP, CUDA, OpenMPI
- English, Vietnamese
- Agile framework, Scrum, Jira